
A little bit about me.

Ziyuan Lin
Hi there, I am a New York based artist and technologist currently pursuing undergraduate degree in Interactive Media Arts and Computer Science at New York University.

Artist statement:

I explore the intricate relationship between humans and the cosmos. I find a parallel between computer code and the fundamental laws of our universe. Utilizing creative coding techniques, I simulate the spatial and temporal dimensions, capturing the interwoven essence of life and non-life. Through my artistic endeavors, I strive to untangle the enigmatic yet beautiful experience of existence.

Technological Exploration:

As a passionate front-end engineer, I thrive on pushing the boundaries of what the browser can achieve — whether it is showcasing interactive animations, training machine learning models, or even linking up with a micro-controller. My favorite tools are Next.js and P5.js, which allows me to infuse websites with interactivity and personality. Take a peek at this website for a glimpse into my world of creative implementation!